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Create a skill assembly

A skill assembly defines a set of skills should be installed or removed from nodes using add and remove rules.


Create a skill assembly

To create a skill assembly, follow these steps:

  1. Create a file named skill-assembly.json and paste in the following skill assembly definition:

      "name": "my-skill-assembly",
      "skills": [
          "action": "add",
          "skill": {
            "channel": "stable",
            "name": "courier-runner",
            "value": ["<VERSION>"]
          "action": "add",
          "skill": {
            "channel": "stable",
            "name": "chef-gohai",
            "value": ["<VERSION>"]
          "action": "add",
          "skill": {
            "channel": "stable",
            "name": "shell-interpreter",
            "value": ["<VERSION>"]
          "action": "add",
          "skill": {
            "channel": "stable",
            "name": "restart-interpreter",
            "value": ["<VERSION>"]
          "action": "add",
          "skill": {
            "channel": "stable",
            "name": "chef-client-interpreter",
            "value": ["<VERSION>"]

    Replace <VERSION> with the version of each skill supported by the Chef 360 Platform version you’re running. See the release notes for details.

  2. Create the skill assembly:

    chef-node-management-cli management assembly create-assembly --body-file skill-assembly.json

    The response is similar to the following:

    "item": {
        "skillAssemblyId": "e2e66c8a-79ff-4bdc-a4cd-739c3f02f9e9"

    Save the value of skillAssemblyId, you will use it to create a node cohort.


Run the below command to verify whether the skill assembly was created/updated successfully:

chef-node-management-cli management assembly find-one-assembly --skillAssemblyId <SKILL_ASSEMBLY_ID>

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