Run a Courier job on a node
A Courier job defines the actions performed on a node or set of nodes, the schedule that the actions are performed on, and the group of nodes that the actions are performed on. A job can be executed multiple times across multiple nodes for multiple actions.
Define a job
Jobs are defined using a job template, which is a JSON file that tells Chef Courier the name of the job, when the job should run, the nodes that the job should run on, and the actions that the job should take. See the job template documentation for more information.
This job template creates a job that is executed one node, it runs immediately, and it uses the chef-platform/shell-interpreter
to run the sleep 10
Create a file called
and with the following JSON string:{ "name": "a-simple-job", "description": "a simple job that you can use to verify nodes' ability to run jobs", "exceptionRules":[], "scheduleRule":"immediate", "target": { "executionType": "sequential", "groups":[ { "timeoutSeconds": 60, "batchSize": { "type": "number", "value": 1 }, "distributionMethod": "batching", "successCriteria": [ { "numRuns": { "type": "percent", "value": 100 }, "status": "success" } ], "nodeListType":"nodes", "nodeIdentifiers":[ "<NODE_ID>" ] } ] }, "actions": { "accessMode": "agent", "steps": [ { "name": "sleep", "interpreter": { "name": "chef-platform/shell-interpreter", "skill": { "minVersion": "1.0.0" } }, "command": { "linux": [ "sleep 10" ] }, "retryCount": 2, "failureBehavior": { "action": "retryThenFail", "retryBackoffStrategy": { "type": "none", "delaySeconds": 0, "arguments": [1,3,5] } } } ] } }
in the JSON file with the node identifier of your enrolled node.
Create the job
When you add the job to Chef 360 Platform, the Courier Dispatcher sends the job definition to the Courier Runner on the specified node which determines when and how to run the job.
Add the job run using the job template file:
chef-courier-cli scheduler jobs add-job --body-file create-job-simple.json
The response is similar to the following:
{ "item": { "exceptionReasons": [], "id": "61013744-bd6e-437c-a995-b6211318624e", "nextExecutionTime": "2024-03-27T14:57:20.551342549Z" } }
The output includes the job ID (
in the example response), which can be used to for tracking the job.
Get the job instance details
A job instance is created every time the job executes. This job is set to run immediately, so only one job instance is created.
Get the details of the job instance using the job ID:
chef-courier-cli state instance list-all --job-id <JOB_ID>
The response is similar to the following:
{ "items": [ { "actionSpec": { "accessMode": "agent", "steps": [ { "command": { "linux": [ "sleep 10" ] }, "conditions": [], "description": "", "expectedInputs": {}, "failureBehavior": { "action": "retryThenFail", "retryBackoffStrategy": { "arguments": [ 1, 3, 5 ], "delaySeconds": 0, "type": "none" } }, "inputs": {}, "interpreter": { "name": "chef-platform/shell-interpreter", "skill": { "maxVersion": "", "minVersion": "1.0.0" } }, "limits": { "cores": 0, "cpu": 1, "timeoutSeconds": 0 }, "name": "sleep", "outputFieldRules": {}, "retryCount": 2 } ] }, "createdAt": "2024-07-12T01:10:20.064474Z", "id": "befe88f3-ac3f-4bad-9e1a-6017332929ab", "jobId": "448ecaf3-5e44-4e7b-9e98-62dfa8c69b1c", "lastUpdatedBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "status": "running", "targetSpec": { "executionType": "sequential", "groups": [ { "batchSize": { "type": "number", "value": 1 }, "distributionMethod": "batching", "filter": null, "filterId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "listId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "nodeIdentifiers": [ "1f4c680d-4dc6-4edf-83b6-ded81388f244", "020ab866-9d3d-4ca7-919d-c21b4f9ef2a4", "925f244c-65b4-4ab9-9ebd-4b17f8e2277b" ], "nodeListType": "nodes", "successCriteria": [ { "numRuns": { "type": "percent", "value": 100 }, "status": "success" } ], "timeoutSeconds": 60 } ] }, "updatedAt": "2024-07-12T01:10:20.064474Z" } ], "pagination": { "itemsPerPage": 10, "nextLink": "", "page": 1, "pageItemCount": 1, "previousLink": "", "startIndex": 1, "totalItems": 1, "totalPages": 1 } }
The response includes the job instance ID (
"id": "befe88f3-ac3f-4bad-9e1a-6017332929ab"
), which you can use to track the job instance.
Get job run details
A job run is created for each target node in a job instance.
Request the details of each job run using the instance ID:
chef-courier-cli state instance list-instance-runs --instanceId <INSTANCE_ID>
The response is similar to the following:
{ "items": [ { "groupNumber": 0, "lastUpdateTime": "2024-03-27T15:00:09.185273Z", "nodeId": "03ba18c0-68b2-43ba-93fd-b6952443421e", "receivedTime": "2024-03-27T14:58:57.226555Z", "runId": "496f0d9a-f0be-4cb7-8cbb-2285b5c42045", "status": "success" }, { "groupNumber": 0, "lastUpdateTime": "2024-03-27T14:58:48.582415Z", "nodeId": "2768a3b5-f5a6-45ae-a8b6-42d531c6416a", "receivedTime": "2024-03-27T14:57:51.753876Z", "runId": "306d3a00-d483-4aa2-bb09-1cd8c91c15e8", "status": "success" }, { "groupNumber": 1, "lastUpdateTime": "2024-03-27T14:58:51.090507Z", "nodeId": "a8b1f470-fedc-45e8-ba0a-b26dd551c1d0", "receivedTime": "2024-03-27T14:57:49.229442Z", "runId": "376226b9-f916-42a1-8620-a4636598c5e5", "status": "success" }, { "groupNumber": 1, "lastUpdateTime": "2024-03-27T14:59:58.186538Z", "nodeId": "acb38595-64af-4532-8589-2aeb2ad876fc", "receivedTime": "2024-03-27T14:58:55.934629Z", "runId": "22d7d6a9-33b5-4565-8575-2f2ee24a06a1", "status": "success" }, { "groupNumber": 1, "lastUpdateTime": "2024-03-27T15:01:05.766027Z", "nodeId": "e4b1b524-4e77-4448-b1a9-01b80288c898", "receivedTime": "2024-03-27T15:00:03.220273Z", "runId": "56960929-ca32-463a-bc6e-c0a6cca4f89d", "status": "success" } ], "totalItems": 5 }
Each job run has a run ID. You can use the job run IDs to get information about each step of a job run.
In this example, the run IDs are:
Get the job run step details for a run
Use the job run ID to get a list of steps executed during a job run:
chef-courier-cli state run list-steps --runId <RUN_ID>
{ "items": [ { "inputs": "", "interpreterPath": "/hab/pkgs/chef-platform/shell-interpreter/0.1.3/20240318113204/bin/shell-interpreter", "interpreterVersion": "", "numAttempts": 1, "outputs": "", "reason": "", "status": "success", "stepNumber": 1 } ], "totalItems": 1 }
Debug Courier jobs
You can also review the job step details by connecting to a node with SSH and checking the Courier Runner logs.
For a Linux node:
cd /hab/svc/courier-runner/logs
tail -f courier-log
For a Windows node:
cd C:\hab\svc\courier-runner\logs
gc .\courier-log -Wait
More information
See the following documentation: