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cassandradb_session resource

Use the cassandradb_session Chef InSpec audit resource to test Cassandra Query Language (CQL) commands run against a Cassandra database.



This resource is distributed with Chef InSpec and is automatically available for use.


A cassandradb_session resource block declares the username, password, host, and port to use for the session, and then the command to be run:

describe cassandradb_session(user: 'USERNAME', password: 'PASSWORD', host: 'localhost', port: 9042).query('QUERY') do
  its('value') { should eq('EXPECTED') }


  • cassandradb_session declares a username, password, host and port to run the query.
  • query('QUERY') contains the query to be run.
  • its('value') { should eq('expected') } compares the results of the query against the expected result in the test.

Optional Parameters

The cassandradb_session InSpec resource accepts user, password, host, and port parameters.

In Particular:


Default value: cassandra.


Default value: cassandra.


The following examples show how to use this Chef InSpec audit resource.

Test for matching values using a Cassandra query

cql = cassandradb_session(user: 'MY_USER', password: 'PASSWORD', host: 'localhost', port: 9042)

describe cql.query("SELECT cluster_name FROM system.local") do
  its('output') { should match /Test Cluster/ }

Test for matching values using a Cassandra query from a sample database

cql = cassandradb_session(user: 'MY_USER', password: 'PASSWORD', host: 'localhost', port: 9042)

describe cql.query("use SAMPLEDB; SELECT name FROM SAMPLETABLE") do
  its('output') { should match /Test Name/ }


For a full list of available matchers, see our Universal Matchers page.
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