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Skill assembly

A skill assembly defines a set of skills that are installed or removed from a set of nodes.

Create a skill assembly

To create a skill assembly, follow these steps:

  1. Create a JSON file that defines the added skills.

      "name": "<SKILL_ASSEMBLY_NAME>",
      "skills": [
          "action": "add",
          "skill": {
            "channel": "stable",
            "name": "courier-runner",
            "value": ["<VERSION>"]
          "action": "add",
          "skill": {
            "channel": "stable",
            "name": "chef-gohai",
            "value": ["<VERSION>"]
          "action": "add",
          "skill": {
            "channel": "stable",
            "name": "shell-interpreter",
            "value": ["<VERSION>"]
          "action": "add",
          "skill": {
            "channel": "stable",
            "name": "restart-interpreter",
            "value": ["<VERSION>"]
          "action": "add",
          "skill": {
            "channel": "stable",
            "name": "chef-client-interpreter",
            "value": ["<VERSION>"]

    Replace <VERSION> with the version of each skill supported by the Chef 360 Platform version you’re running. See the release notes for details.

  2. Create the skill assembly:

    chef-node-management-cli management assembly create-assembly --body-file <PATH_TO_JSON_FILE>

    The response is similar to the following:

    "item": {
        "skillAssemblyId": "e2e66c8a-79ff-4bdc-a4cd-739c3f02f9e9"

Update a skill assembly

You can add or remove skills from nodes by updating an existing skill assembly.

Add skills

  1. Use the add action to add a skill:

      "name": "<SKILL_ASSEMBLY_NAME>",
      "skills": [
          "action": "add",
          "skill": {
            "channel": "stable",
            "name": "<SKILL_NAME>",
            "value": ["<DESIRED_VERSION>"]


    • <SKILL_ASSEMBLY_NAME> with the skill assembly name
    • <SKILL_NAME> with the name of the skill, for example shell-interpreter
    • <DESIRED_VERSION> with the version you want to install
  2. Update the skill assembly:

    chef-node-management-cli management assembly update-assembly --skillAssemblyId <SKILL_ASSEMBLY_ID> --body-file <PATH_TO_JSON_FILE>

Remove skills

Use the remove action to define skills that are removed. You can use logical operators to remove a range of skills:

  1. Use an operator like <, >, or = to remove a skill version or a range of versions:

      "name": "<SKILL_ASSEMBLY_NAME>",
      "skills": [
          "action": "remove",
          "skill": {
            "channel": "stable",
            "name": "<SKILL_NAME>",
            "value": ["<OPERATOR> <VERSION>"]


    • <SKILL_ASSEMBLY_NAME> with the skill assembly name
    • <SKILL_NAME> with the name of the skill, for example shell-interpreter
    • <OPERATOR> with a logical operator, for example <, >, or =
    • <VERSION> with the version or versions you want to remove
  2. Update the skill assembly:

    chef-node-management-cli management assembly update-assembly --skillAssemblyId <SKILL_ASSEMBLY_ID> --body-file <PATH_TO_JSON_FILE>


In this skill assembly example, all Restart Interpreter skills less than version 0.1.2 are removed, Shell Interpreter version 0.1.5 is removed, and the Courier Runner and Chef Gohai skills are added.

  "name": "skill-assembly-name",
  "skills": [
      "action": "remove",
      "skill": {
        "channel": "stable",
        "name": "shell-interpreter",
        "value": ["= 0.1.5"]
      "action": "remove",
      "skill": {
        "channel": "stable",
        "name": "restart-interpreter",
        "value": ["< 0.1.2"]
      "action": "add",
      "skill": {
        "channel": "stable",
        "name": "courier-runner",
        "value": ["1.3.1"]
      "action": "add",
      "skill": {
        "channel": "stable",
        "name": "chef-gohai",
        "value": ["0.3.1"]


Run the following command to verify that the skill assembly was created or updated:

chef-node-management-cli management assembly find-one-assembly --skillAssemblyId <SKILL_ASSEMBLY_ID>

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