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Chef 360 Platform managed roles

System-defined roles are defined and managed by Chef 360 Platform and can’t be modified by users. These roles are associated with system-defined-policies, which allow users to perform all default actions.

Chef 360 Platform has the following system-defined roles.


The courier-operator role allows users to execute Chef Courier jobs on nodes and perform self actions.

The courier-operator role has the following Chef 360 Platform managed policies:


The node-manager role has the minimum privileges required to grant a user the ability to manage nodes and skills on nodes.

The node-manager role has the following Chef 360 Platform managed policies:


The org-admin role grants privileges to manage user-defined roles and policies, user related actions, user’s API tokens, and node related actions.

The org-admin role has the following Chef 360 Platform managed policies:


The org-viewer role has the minimum privileges required to perform node-accounts node view actions and self actions according to the policies mentioned below. The org-viewer role is the default role assigned to users when they’re added to an organization.

The org-viewer role has the following Chef 360 Platform managed policies:


The system tenant-admin role grants privileges to perform user related actions, manage self actions, perform organization related operations, license management and license usage.

The tenant-admin role has the following Chef 360 Platform managed policies:

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