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Existing A2HA to Automate HA


Chef Automate 4.10.1 released on 6th September 2023 includes improvements to the deployment and installation experience of Automate HA. Please read the blog to learn more about key improvements. Refer to the pre-requisites page (On-Premises, AWS) and plan your usage with your customer success manager or account manager.


  • A2HA user can be migrated to Automate HA with a minimum Chef Automate version 20201230192246.

This page explains migrating the existing A2HA data to the newly deployed Chef Automate HA. This migration involves the following steps:


  • Ability to mount the file system, which was mounted to A2HA Cluster for backup purposes, to Automate HA.
  • Configure the A2HA to take backup on a mounted network drive (location example: /mnt/automate_backup).

Capture information about the current A2HA instance

In order to verify the migration is completed successfully we’ll need to capture some information about the current installation. The following script will capture counts of objects in the Chef-Infra Server that we can compare with the server after the migration has been completed.

Create and run it using ./ > pre_migration_infra_counts.log


for i in `chef-server-ctl org-list`; do
    echo "Orgination: ${i}"
    echo -n "node count: "
    knife node list -s $org | wc -l
    echo -n "client count: "
    knife client list -s $org | wc -l
    echo -n "cookbook count: "
    knife cookbook list -s $org | wc -l
    echo -n "total objects: "
    knife list / -R -s $org | wc -l
    echo "----------------"


  1. Run the following commands from any automate instance in A2HA Cluster.

    sudo chef-automate backup create
    sudo chef-automate bootstrap bundle create
    • The first command will take the backup at the mount file system. You can get the mount path from the file /hab/a2_deploy_workspace/a2ha.rb

    • The second command will create the bootstrap bundle, which is needed to copy all the frontend nodes of Automate HA cluster.

    • Once the backup is completed successfully, save the backup Id. For example: 20210622065515.

    • If you want to use the backup created previously, run the command on Automate node to get the backup id chef-automate backup list

    Backup             State       Age
    20180508201643    completed  8 minutes old
    20210622065515    completed  4 minutes old
  2. Detach the File system from the old A2HA cluster.

  3. Configure the backup at Automate HA cluster. If you have not configured it, please refer to this Doc: Pre Backup Configuration for File System Backup

  4. From the above Step, you will get the backup mount path.

  5. To run the restore command, we need the airgap bundle. Get the Automate HA airgap bundle from the location /var/tmp/ in Automate instance. Example: frontend-4.x.y.aib.

    • In case of airgap bundle is not present at /var/tmp, in that case, we can copy the bundle from the bastion node to the Automate node.
  6. Run the command at the Chef-Automate node of Automate HA cluster to get the applied config:

    sudo chef-automate config show > current_config.toml 
    • Run the below command to all the Automate and Chef Infra Server nodes
    sudo chef-automate stop
  7. Add the OpenSearch credentials to the applied config.

    • If using Chef Managed OpenSearch, add the config below into current_config.toml (unless you have changed the credentials).

          username = "admin"
          password = "admin"
    • In case backup_config = "file_system" had been provided in config.toml of Automate HA deployment, then please patch the below OpenSearch config from bastion before starting the restore.

      • Create a toml (say os_config.toml) file from provision host and copy the following template with the path to the repo. Update the repo path, what you have created at the time of deployment </mnt/automate_backups/elasticsearch>.
      repo = "/mnt/automate_backups/elasticsearch"
      • Following command will add the configuration to the OpenSearch node.

        chef-automate config patch --opensearch <PATH TO OS_CONFIG.TOML>
    • If using AWS Managed services, then add the below config into current_config.toml (change this with your actual credentials)


The following characters aren’t allowed in passwords:

  • `
  • "
  • '
  • \
  • ;
  • $
        scheme = "aws_os"
        username = "THIS YOU GET IT FROM AWS Console"
        password = "THIS YOU GET IT FROM AWS Console"
        access_key = "<YOUR AWS ACCESS KEY>"
        secret_key = "<YOUR AWS SECRET KEY>"
  1. Copy the bundle to all the Frontend nodes of the Chef Automate HA cluster. Unpack the bundle using the below command on all the Frontend nodes.

    sudo chef-automate bootstrap bundle unpack
  2. Stop the Service in all the frontend nodes with the below command.

    sudo chef-automate stop
  3. To restore the A2HA backup on Chef Automate HA, run the following command from any Chef Automate instance of the Chef Automate HA cluster:

    sudo chef-automate backup restore /mnt/automate_backups/backups/20210622065515/ --patch-config current_config.toml --airgap-bundle /var/tmp/frontend-4.x.y.aib --skip-preflight
  4. After successfully executing the restore, you will see the below message:

    Success: Restored backup 20210622065515
  5. Start the Service in all the frontend nodes with the below command.

    sudo chef-automate start


    • After the restore command is successfully executed. If we run the chef-automate config show, we can see that both Elasticsearch and OpenSearch config are part of Automate Config. After restoring Automate HA talk to OpenSearch.

    • Remove the elastic search config from all Frontend nodes; to do that, redirect the applied config to the file and set the config again. For example:

    chef-automate config show > applied_config.toml

    Remove the below field from the applied_config.toml.

       enable = true
       nodes = [""]
       scheme = ""
           username = ""
           password = ""
       root_cert = ""
       server_name = ""

    Apply this modified config by running below command.

    chef-automate config set applied_config.toml

    Executed the steps from the Front end nodes.

Equivalent Commands

In Automate HA there are equivalent command which had been used in A2HA:

CommandsA2HAAutomate HA
init config existing infrabash automate-cluster-ctl config init -a existing_nodesbash chef-automate init-config-ha existing_infra
deploybash automate-cluster-ctl deploybash chef-automate deploy config.toml
infobash automate-cluster-ctl infobash chef-automate info
statusbash chef-automate statusbash chef-automate status
sshbash automate-cluster-ctl ssh <name>bash chef-automate ssh --hostname <name>
testbash automate-cluster-ctl testbash chef-automate test
gather logsbash automate-cluster-clt gather-logsbash chef-automate gather-logs
workspacebash automate-cluster-clt workspacebash chef-automate workspace [OPTIONS] SUBCOMMAND [ARG] ...

Validate successful migration

  1. Check the Automate UI of Automate HA. Check whether the data is present in Automate UI for HA.

  2. If you are using the embedded chef server, log in to the Chef Server HA node, and run the following script to get a count of objects from the Chef Infra Server, this should match the counts captured at the start of the migration

    Create and run it using ./ > post_migration_infra_counts.log

    for i in `chef-server-ctl org-list`; do
        echo "Orgination: ${i}"
        echo -n "node count: "
        knife node list -s $org | wc -l
        echo -n "client count: "
        knife client list -s $org | wc -l
        echo -n "cookbook count: "
        knife cookbook list -s $org | wc -l
        echo -n "total objects: "
        knife list / -R -s $org | wc -l
        echo "----------------"

    Compare the pre migration to post migration counts diff pre_migration_infra_counts.log post_migration_infra_counts.log

  3. Connect Chef-Workstation to the new cluster and use knife to communicate with Automate HA

    1. Open the ~/.chef/config.rb, ~/.chef/knife.rb or ~/.chef/credentials file from a Chef-Workstation and update the chef_server_url with the Automate fqdn.

      Example: chef_server_url "https://<automate-fqdn>/organizations/new_org"

    2. Run knife user list, knife node list, or knife cookbook list and verify the commands complete successfully


In case of Restore failure from Elasticsearch to OpenSearch

Error: Failed to restore a snapshot

Get the basepath location from the A2HA Cluster using the curl request below.


curl -XGET http://localhost:10144/_snapshot/_all?pretty -k 


Look for the location value in the response.

"settings" : {
    "location": "/mnt/automate_backups/automate-elasticsearch-data/chef-automate-es6-compliance-service",

location value should be matched with the OpenSearch cluster. In case of location value is different, use the below script to create the snapshot repo.


for index in ${indices[@]}; do

curl -XPUT -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:10144/_snapshot/$index --data-binary @- << EOF
  "type": "fs",
  "settings": {
    "location" : "/mnt/automate_backups/automate-elasticsearch-data/$index"


  • After the restore command is successfully executed. If we run the chef-automate config show, we can see that both Elasticsearch and OpenSearch config are part of Automate Config. We can keep both config; it won’t impact the functionality. After restoring Automate HA, talk to OpenSearch.


  • We can remove the Elasticsearch config from the automate. To do that, redirect the applied config to the file and set the config again.
chef-automate config show > applied_config.toml

Modify applied_config.toml, remove elastic search config, and set the config. Set applied_config.toml on all the frontend nodes manually. As the removal of config is not supported from the bastion. Use the below command to set the config manually.

chef-automate config set applied_config.toml
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