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Supported platforms

Chef software is supported on the operating systems (platforms) listed below. To see which versions of our software we currently support, see the Supported Versions page.


We offer two levels of support for platforms (operating systems), Commercial Support and Community Support.

Commercial support

Commercial support for platforms is part of paid maintenance contracts with Chef Software. Support contracts allow you to open tickets and receive service level agreement (SLA) assistance from our support desk. Commercially supported platforms are extensively tested as part of Chef’s development and release process. Commercial support follows the lifecycle of the underlying operating system vendor.

Commercial support is limited to the platforms listed in the “Commercial Support” tables–platforms not listed in these tables are unsupported.

Community support

Community support for platforms means that members of the Chef community have contributed to these platforms and Chef doesn’t actively work to maintain this functionality. Chef doesn’t explicitly test community supported platforms as part of the development and release process.

Many of these platforms are forks, clones, or otherwise derivative of platforms that Chef commercially supports. Continued functionality for these platforms is likely, but not guaranteed. Unsupported platforms may have missing or non-operative functionality. As always, we welcome community contributions from anyone looking to expand community support for platforms in Chef products.

Support for derived platforms

Chef doesn’t explicitly test or provide builds for derived distributions other than those in our supported platform list. However, if the derived distribution is a direct rebuild of the originating distribution and hasn’t diverged in functionality or packaged dependencies, Chef will support our customers through our normal channels.


The sections below list the platforms that Chef Software supports.

Chef Automate

Commercial support

Commercial support for the Chef Automate is available for platforms that use:

  • a Linux kernel version of 3.2 or greater
  • systemd as the init system
  • useradd
  • curl or wget

Chef Automate HA

Commercial support

See the Chef Automate HA supported platforms documentation for a list of supported platforms for Chef Automate HA.

Chef Backend

Commercial support

The following table lists the commercially supported platforms for Chef Backend, which is the high-availability solution for Chef Infra Server.

CentOSx86_646.x, 7.x, 8.x
Oracle Enterprise Linuxx86_647.x, 8.x
Red Hat Enterprise Linuxx86_646.x, 7.x, 8.x
SUSE Linux Enterprise Serverx86_6412.x
Ubuntu (LTS releases)x86_6416.04, 18.04

Derived platforms

The following table lists supported derived platforms and versions for Chef Infra Server.

See our policy on support for derived platforms for more information.

PlatformArchitectureVersionParent platform
Rocky Linuxx86_648.xCentOS

Chef Infra Client

Commercial support

The following table lists the commercially supported platforms and versions for Chef Infra Client.

AIXpowerpc7.1 (TL5 SP2 or higher, recommended), 7.2, 7.3
Amazon Linuxx86_64, aarch642.x, 2023
CentOSx86_64, ppc64le, ppc64, aarch647.x
Debianx86_6410, 11
macOSx86_64, aarch6412.x
Oracle Enterprise Linuxx86_64, aarch647.x, 8.x
Red Hat Enterprise Linuxx86_64, ppc64le (7.x only), ppc64 (7.x only), aarch64, s390x (7.x / 8.x only)7.x, 8.x, 9.x
Rocky Linuxx86_648.x, 9.x
Solarissparc, i86pc11.3 (16.17.4 and later only), 11.4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Serverx86_64, aarch64 (15.x only), s390x12, 15
Ubuntu (LTS releases)x86_64,aarch64 (18.x and above)16.04, 18.04, 20.04, 22.04
Windowsx86_642016, 10 (all channels except “insider” builds), 2019 (Long-term servicing channel (LTSC), both Desktop Experience and Server Core), 11, 2022

Derived platforms

The following table lists supported derived platforms and versions for Chef Infra Client.

See our policy on support for derived platforms for more information.

PlatformArchitectureVersionParent platform
AlmaLinuxx86_64, aarch648.xCentOS

Community support

The following platforms are supported only using the community.

Alibaba Cloud Linuxx86_642.x
Arch Linuxx86_64current version
Arista EOSx86_64current non-EOL releases
CentOS Streamx86_64, aarch64current non-EOL releases
Clear Linuxx86_64current non-EOL releases
Cumulus Linuxx86_64current non-EOL releases
Fedorax86_64, aarch64current non-EOL releases
Kali Linuxx86_64current non-EOL releases
Linux Mintx86_64current non-EOL releases
OpenIndiana Hipsterx86_64current non-EOL releases
openSUSEx86_64, aarch6415.x
Pop!_OSx86_64current non-EOL releases
Raspberry Pi OSaarch64current non-EOL releases
SmartOSx86_64current non-EOL releases
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktopx86_64, aarch64 (15.x only)12.x, 15.x
Ubuntux86_64, aarch64Current non-LTS releases
Virtuozzox86_64Current non-LTS releases
Windowsx64Windows Server, Semi-annual channel (SAC) (Server Core only)

Chef Infra Server

Commercial support

The following table lists the commercially supported platforms for Chef Infra Server:

Amazon Linuxx86_642, 2023
Red Hat Enterprise Linuxx86_648.x, 9.x
Rocky Linuxx86_649.x
SUSE Linux Enterprise Serverx86_6412.x, 15.x
Ubuntux86_6420.04, 22.04

Chef InSpec

Commercial support

The following table lists the commercially supported platforms and versions for Chef InSpec.

Amazon Linuxx86_64, aarch642.x
Debianx86_64, aarch64 (10.x only)9, 10, 11
macOSx86_64, aarch64 (M1 processors)11.x, 12.x
Oracle Enterprise Linuxx86_64, aarch64 (7.x / 8.x only)6.x, 7.x, 8.x
Red Hat Enterprise Linuxx86_64, aarch64 (7.x, 8.x and 9.x only)7.x, 8.x, 9.x
SUSE Linux Enterprise Serverx86_64, aarch64 (15.x only)12.x, 15.x
Ubuntux86_6416.04, 18.04, 20.04
Windowsx86_648.1, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016, 10 (all channels except “insider” builds), 2019, 11, 2022

Derived platforms

The following table lists supported derived platforms and versions for Chef InSpec.

See our policy on support for derived platforms for more information.

PlatformArchitectureVersionParent platform
AlmaLinuxx86_64, aarch648.xCentOS
Rocky Linuxx86_64, aarch648.xCentOS

Chef InSpec Target Mode (inspec --target) may be functional on additional platforms, versions, and architectures but aren’t validated by Chef.

Chef Manage

Commercial support

The following table lists the commercially supported platforms for Chef Manage.

Oracle Enterprise Linuxx86_647.x, 8.x
Red Hat Enterprise Linuxx86_647.x, 8.x
Ubuntu (LTS releases)x86_6416.04, 18.04, 20.04

Derived platforms

The following table lists supported derived platforms and versions for Chef Manage.

See our policy on support for derived platforms for more information.

PlatformArchitectureVersionParent platform
Rocky Linuxx86_648.xCentOS

Chef Workstation

Commercial support

The following table lists the commercially supported platforms and versions for the Chef Workstation.

Amazon Linuxx86_64, arch64 (2023 only)2.x, 2023
macOSx86_64, arch6412.x
Debianx86_6410.x, 11.x
Red Hat Enterprise Linux / CentOSx86_647.x, 8.x, 9.x
Ubuntux86_6418.04, 20.04, 22.04
Windowsx6410, 11, Server 2012, Server 2012 R2, Server 2016, Server 2019, Server 2022

Derived platforms

The following table lists supported derived platforms and versions for Chef Workstation.

See our policy on support for derived platforms for more information.

PlatformArchitectureVersionParent platform
Rocky Linuxx86_648.xCentOS

Platform end-of-life policy

Chef’s products on particular platforms and versions reach end-of-life on the same date as the vendor EOL milestone for that operating system. Because different vendors use different terminology, the following table clarifies when Chef products are end-of-life according to those vendors’ terms.

PlatformVendor End-of-Life
Amazon LinuxEnd of Life
Apple macOSApple supports the last three macOS releases, for example: 10.15, 11.x, and 12.x. Apple doesn’t officially publish EOL dates.
DebianEnd of maintenance updates
Enterprise Linux (covers Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS)End of Production 3
FreeBSDEnd of Life
IBM AIXIBM End of Support Date
WindowsEnd of Extended Support
Oracle Enterprise LinuxPremier Support Ends
Oracle SolarisPremier Support Ends
SUSE Linux Enterprise ServerGeneral Support Ends
Ubuntu LinuxEnd of maintenance updates

At Chef’s option, additional support may be provided to customers beyond the vendor end-of-life in the above table. As such, the following table indicates upcoming product end-of-life dates for particular platforms. On the Chef end-of-life date, Chef discontinues building software for that platform and version.

Platform and VersionVendor End-of-Life DateChef End-of-Life Date
Amazon Linux 201XDec 31st, 2020Dec 31st, 2020
Amazon Linux 2Jun 30, 2025Jun 30, 2025
Amazon Linux 2023Mar 15, 2028Mar 15, 2028
Apple macOS 11Sep 26, 2023Sep 26, 2023
Apple macOS 12No current planned EOL dateNo current planned EOL date
CentOS 6Nov 30, 2020Nov 30, 2020
CentOS 7Jun 30, 2024Jun 30, 2024
CentOS 8Dec 31, 2021Dec 31, 2021
Debian 7 (Wheezy)May 31st, 2018May 31st, 2018
Debian 8 (Jessie)June 6th, 2020June 6th, 2020
Debian 9 (Stretch)June 30th, 2022June 30th, 2022
Debian 10 (Buster)June 30th, 2024June 30th, 2024
Debian 11 (Bullseye)June 30th, 2026June 30th, 2026
FreeBSD 10-STABLEOctober 31, 2018October 31, 2018
FreeBSD 11-STABLESeptember 30, 2021September 30, 2021
IBM AIX 7.1Apr 30, 2023Apr 30, 2023
IBM AIX 7.2No current planned EOL dateNo current planned EOL date
IBM AIX 7.3Nov 30, 2026Nov 30, 2026
Oracle Enterprise Linux 5June 30, 2017December 31, 2017
Oracle Enterprise Linux 6March 31, 2021March 31, 2021
Oracle Enterprise Linux 7December 1, 2024December 1, 2024
Oracle Enterprise Linux 8July 1, 2029July 1, 2029
Oracle Solaris 11.3January 30, 2021No current planned EOL date
Oracle Solaris 11.4November 31, 2031November 31, 2031
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5April 30, 2017December 31, 2017
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6November 30, 2020November 30, 2020
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7June 30, 2024June 30, 2024
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8May 31, 2029May 31, 2029
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9May 31, 2032May 31, 2032
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11March 31, 2019March 31, 2019
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12October 31, 2024October 31, 2024
Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTSApril 30, 2017April 30, 2017
Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTSApril 30, 2019April 30, 2019
Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTSApril 30, 2021April 30, 2021
Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTSMay 31, 2023May 31, 2023
Ubuntu Linux 20.04 LTSApr 02, 2025Apr 02, 2025
Ubuntu Linux 22.04 LTSApr 01, 2027Apr 01, 2027
Windows Server 2008 (SP2)/R2 (SP1)January 13, 2015January 14, 2020
Windows Server 2012/2012 R2October 10, 2023October 10, 2023
Windows Server 2016November 11, 2027November 11, 2027
Windows Server 2019October 10, 2028October 10, 2028
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