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Markdown Guide

Inline Markup

Adding emphasis within text strings can be done using bold and code strings.


Use two asterisks (*) to mark a text string as bold:

**text goes here**

Code Strings

Sometimes the name of a method or database field needs to be used inline in a paragraph. Use one back quote to mark certain strings as code within a regular string of text:

code goes here

Code Blocks

Code blocks are used to show code samples, such as those for Ruby, JSON, and command-line strings.


Use this approach to show code blocks that use Ruby:

default['apache']['dir']          = '/etc/apache2'
default['apache']['listen_ports'] = [ '80', '443' ]


Use this approach to show code blocks that use any type of shell command, such as for Knife or the Chef Infra Client or for any other command-line example that may be required:

knife data bag create admins

JavaScript (and JSON)

Use this approach to show code blocks that use any type of JavaScript, including any JSON code sample:

  "id": "charlie",
  "uid": 1005,
  "comment":"Crazy Charlie"


Literals should be used sparingly, but sometimes there is a need for a block of text that doesn’t work in a fenced code block, such as showing a directory structure, basic syntax, or pseudocode. To make a literal code block, indent the text by four spaces:

    A block of literal text indented four spaces
    with more
    text as required to
    complete the block of text.


You have two options for formatting images in Hugo:

  • Markdown syntax
  • the figure shortcode

Markdown Syntax

To add an image in Markdown, use an exclamation point, square brackets around the alt text, parenthesis around the path to the image file starting in the static directory, and then optional hover text. For example:

![Alt Text](/path/to/img.png "Optional Title")
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